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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Reasons to Consider Podcasts in Your Marketing Plan

The rise of internet radio and podcast are still the untapped world of marketing. Currently podcast might be the most important aspect of marketing in the world today. Everything else is over saturated and played out and declining. Podcast still have not yet to peak and it maybe years til that happens because web radio or traditional song by song streaming services are still winning but podcasts are still in the baby stages.

1. People can listen whenever and wherever
2. A great way to promote
3. New content
4. Affordable
5. Hasn’t peaked

Podcast also tend to be pretty much free to produce so the ability to generate new ones weekly or monthly are very affordable. If you need help with this journey please contact me at the number below.

Call us today for Custom SEO Service and related web marketing help. Please contact Mike at 818-355-4076.

Monday, May 16, 2016

3 Ways to Get Influencers To Share Your Content

The key is providing a compelling reason to share your content - 

1. Quote Experts In Your Field
2. Highlight Awesome People or Organizations
3. Piggyback Off Someone Famous

When seeking extra attention for your articles, it can be tempting to use crazy titles and even crazier content. But remember, it’s important to keep your blog in line with your brand.

Call us today for Custom SEO Service and related web marketing help. Please contact Mike at 818-355-4076.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

5 Keys to Instagram Marketing

Based on all the tools online for marketing and social media, Instagram is still currently the latest and greatest of them all. Yes it beats facebook by far, and pinning is so niche it doesn't work for all businesses....but IG it works for everyone and everything. Youtube has the ability to be great but takes more time to produce videos. 

1. Use Pro Filter Tools
Instagram is an inherently visual platform. Simply put, great content is going to stand out. This means focusing on lighting, product placement, and of course—filters. There are several tools that professionals use to create the perfect Instagram look.

2. Re-Gram your Fan Content
Social media is Generation Y’s word-of-mouth. If you have customers posting Instagram photos about your product and brand—consider these visual endorsements. Re-gram photos that your customers have tagged you in through a hashtag or @mention. It’s a great way to celebrate your most loyal customers.

3. Add a Website Link to your Bio
One of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your webpage from social is by placing a link in your Instagram bio. Take advantage of it, because your Instagram bio is the only place that you can place a clickable link.

4. Use your Brand Influencers
Peer recommendations are playing a much larger role in purchasing decisions and, consequently, influencer marketing is becoming a larger initiative for marketing teams. Influencers are social media users who have an established credibility and audience. 

5. Stay Active on Social
This one may be obvious, but it requires the most effort: Post consistently! There is distinct correlation between how often a brand posts and the rate of return visitors. It often takes multiple returns to turn a prospective customer into a customer. 

Call us today for Custom SEO Service and related web marketing help. Please contact Mike at 818-355-4076.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How To Write Powerful Headlines In 20 Steps That Demand Attn!!!

Your headlines - on blog posts, infographics, articles, landing pages, email campaigns and other marketing collateral - are arguably the most important part of your copy. Take the time to make your headlines attention-grabbing in order to give your content its highest chance for success. or Call Me And I will consult or write one for you for a CHEAP PRICE. 

  1. Your headline is the first impression you make on the reader
  2. 80% of the ppl will read the headline, but only 20% go on to read the rest
  3. Your headline has one goal - get the reader to the next goddamn sentence
  4. Most copywriters spend half of the time on a piece on the headline - title
  5. Your headline must follow the rules the SHINE
    1. Specific
    2. Helpful
    3. Immediately Interesting
    4. Newsworthy
    5. Entertaining
  6. Word choice categories (common words, uncommon words, emotional words, and power words)
  7. ALWAYS use at least one Power Word  (in the world, you see, will make you) -- well phrases count too
  8. Try to keep your headline between 50 and 65 characters
  9. Choose words wisely
  10.  Include a keyword or 2
  11. Readers prefer headlines with fewer superlatives
  12. Understand which words evoke emotion
  13. Emotion drives action
  14. Avoid the word "things" 
  15. Also avoid these words (reasons, ideas, facts, secrets, principles, ways, lessons, tricks) -- do not sound like a goddamn MLM or pyramid scheme...why because i hate that shit.
  16. People like seeing Numbers in the headline or "how to.."
  17. Know your audience and what language they like -- english, spanish lol or what words they would like ...if they are very anti cursing do not use fuck, shit, asshole, cock, or pussy
  18. Answer questions - what, why, how, when
  19. Why and How are triggers words that persuade readers
  20. Promise readers something -- make them a promise they can not refuse but do not promise something you can not deliver.

Spend some time to make your headline grabbing so your blog, landing page, email  campaign, article or other marketing material gets the highest chance for success. 

Call us today for Custom SEO Service and related web marketing help. Please contact Mike at 818-355-4076.

Steps For Better Social Intellect

Social media intelligence is emerging as an innovative approach to understanding customers, markets and competitors to inform business decision-making. But social intelligence is not easy to achieve. 

What social media engagement is really about?

Social media engagement is really about intelligence gathering to future proof business relevance - when you begin to understand what engagement really is you can identify how it can provide an organization with competitive advantage, and where social media tools fail on providing insight.

How do you get to social intelligence?

  1. Demand more from your social analysis initiatives by analyzing behaviors
  2. Qualitative not Quantitative  - you can't measure people's experience and feelings and opinions with numbers....
  3. Insight not analytics - the value of social media in the thoughts, behavior, and intent not analysis
  4. Data manipulation not macro metrics - social media is not about measuring vanity metrics like traffic or bounce rate
  5. The why not the what - Under the context and the behavior and not simply what happened
  6. Context Not Buzz - context of what ppl say is  more important than volume
  7. Behavior Not Engagement - social media is driven by behavior and digital disruption is caused by behavior changes...social media intelligence seeks to understand the why of behaviors, so do not just get stuck on measuring engagement like a moron.    
  8. Humans Visions Not Algorithms  - computers and algorithms will never determine good insight -- they only know output...good insight will only come from human vision as you need human vision to blend social media analysis with behavioral theories  to properly interpret
  9. Actions Not Outputs - what good is knowing that you have a 100 new followers or you had 100 likes on a post or 12 shares of the picture --- you need to know why it happened and how to do it better the next time.

Call us today for Custom SEO Service and related web marketing help. Please contact Mike at 818-355-4076.

Monday, May 2, 2016

9 Ways to Improve Tweet Response

If you’re considering using Twitter advertising, Twitter’s research team is keen to help you out – they recently conducted a study of over 9,000 direct response ad campaigns on the platform in order to identify the key terms, details and tweet copy best practices that generate the best response. And the insights they’ve uncovered extend beyond direct response campaigns alone, with some valuable data points that can help improve the performance of your tweets overall.

1. Convey Urgency

The research team found that tweets with words like ‘hurry’, ‘fast’, ‘quick’ and ‘limited time’ had both a lower cost per acquisition (CPA) and a higher click-through rate (CTR)

2. Percentages Beat Dollars

The research team found that tweets with percentage discounts displayed performed, on average, 40% better, in terms of CPA, than those which included dollar-based savings.

3. New Opportunities

Given the real-time nature of Twitter, it makes sense that people come to the platform to stay up on the latest news and announcements as they happen. And given this, it makes sense that using the platform to advertise the latest thing - to showcase new products and offerings

4. Shorter is Better

The general advice on tweet length has been that your tweets should never take up the whole 140 characters, as that leaves no room for people to add their own thoughts and notes if they look to re-tweet your message. 

5. Ask a Question

Given this, by facilitating response – through asking questions – you’re giving your audience an opportunity to share their voice and have it heard, which is generally an effective tactic across all social channels. 

6. Offer a Prize

This is another common, but effective, practice. Direct response tweets which promote a contest had a 40% lower cost-per-acquisition. Again, people want to be involved and have their voice heard – while a competition doesn’t necessarily provide them a platform to share their voice, it does give them an opportunity to interact

7. Calm Down on the Caps

Overuse of capital letters doesn’t work.

8. Handle Your Business

Take it easy on the shout-outs in your ad copy – seeing another handle mentioned can reduce the individual relevance of your tweet as the reader, at a quick glance, may think it’s aimed at that handle, taking the focus off them. 

9. Less is More with Hashtags

The researchers found that tweets with one or more hashtags in it has a 24% higher cost per acquisition and a 3% lower click-through rate.

Call us today for Custom SEO Service and related web marketing help. Please contact Mike at 818-355-4076.